Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Max Power

I am married to a pretty quiet guy.  Get him in the court room and you wouldn't know it.  In those stately halls he has to be strong and exude confidence, otherwise he'll be eaten alive.  Practically everywhere else in this world my husband keeps to himself.  I think he inherited it.  I remember when we were dating and I visited his parents in their home.  At first I wondered if they didn't like me.  I think most of the time was spent in awkward silence, trying not to look at each other, while I  frantically tried to make conversation.  I was raised to not only talk, but to talk A LOT!  That is another story though.  I later learned that not only did his parents like me, they were thrilled that we were together. 

My husband is different around me though.  He is funny, witty, sometimes grumpy, but never afraid to talk.  When I mentioned my anonymous blog he got pretty excited.  I told him I was thinking of calling him Larry.  His made a sour face and said "Larry!  Then I'll have to grow a mustache and wear a leisure suite.  My name should be Max Power".  I let out a load guffaw!  He went on to explain how it comes from a Simpson's episode.  We haven't watched the Simpson's in years, but it was a big part of his life once upon a time.  How could I say no to him? So Max Power it is.  I don't think I'll be taking his last name though.  Alice Power?  It just doesn't sound right.  Plain Alice will do for me. 

Now what to name the children?  I think we may have to ressurect some of the names that were discarded when we were deciding what to name our offspring.  Poor Max.  It was his names that were thrown out.  We did come to an agreement on all of the names, but these two were cut:  Contessa and Persephone.  Contessa funny enough was suggested after my husband unknowingly noticed the name on the side of a shrimp box.  When I pointed that out it had to go.  Persephone is a greek goddess, Zues's daughter in fact.  All I could think of is "What will we call her?  Percy?  Isn't Percy a boy's name?"  For the purpose of this blog though I think they are making a comeback. 

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