Monday, January 16, 2012

"Because the Sky is Blue it Makes Me Cry"

I am a Beatles fan.  Not everyone is, especially in my generation.  Many people feel they have been elevated to an undeserved Godly status.  Who knows why I latched onto the Fab Four.  It might have something to do with my Father.  He was a pretty big fan himself.  Not only did he introduce me to their music, but also their early movies.  I remember watching "Hard Day's Night" as a tween.  I was laying on our brown, low shag carpet, staring up at our small TV and I was totally smitten by the English accents, the moppy hair, and their cute smiles.  It was an actual crush, which in its own right is very odd.  One Beatle was already dead, and the three others had to be at least as old as my Dad.  It didn't matter to me.  At that moment I wanted to be in the arms of a Beatle. 

As I grew up and moved past my initial infatuation, I rediscovered their music and began a life long Love Affair.  My absolute favorite song is "Because".  The first time I ever heard the song I was working in a small room all by myself late in the day, typing out property inspections.  The song came through my headphones and I stopped typing immediately.  There are certain songs that I can have a physical reaction to, almost a euphoria!  "Because" is one of those songs.  The harmonies cascade into my breathless heart and I am speechless.  I played the song over and over.  I couldn't let it go.  I didn't want the next song to come.  It has even brought tears to my eyes before.

Today I am blue.  I can't say exactly why.  I can theorize.  Perhaps I am missing my Dad.  Perhaps it is because I totally fell and slammed my side on the icy driveway this morning.  Perhaps it is seeing my baby girl crying after her painful shots.  Perhaps it is because I'm chained to my desk, working another day.  Who knows.  I came across "Because" again today, and like the original time I heard it I am playing it over and over.  It plays into my somber mood, and yet on another level it elevates me. 

There aren't many words to the song and at a glance you would wonder if it has any merit. 

"Because the world is round it turns me on
Because the world is round...aaaaaahhhhhh

Because the wind is high it blows my mind
Because the wind is high...aaaaaaaahhhh

Love is old, love is new
Love is all, love is you

Because the sky is blue, it makes me cry
Because the sky is blue...aaaaaaahhhh"

In fact reading the lyrics you may wonder if the Beatles were having a high moment, and perhaps they were, but there is something to the simplicity of it all that touches me.  So I may need some Beatles therapy today.  Hopefully it will do some good, and very likely I will pull myself out of my blue phase.  I never linger long.  There is too much to do, too much good in the world, and too much not to find joy in.  For now though let me be somber.

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