Monday, February 13, 2012

Fallen Of The Earth?

I promise I have not fallen off the earth.  While I was lovingly called lazy by an extended family member the other day for not updating my blogs, I promise I am still around.  When not working, or taking care of my 3 children I have found myself wrapped in a cocoon of me time and self indulgence.  Whether it be reading, snuggling with my man on the couch watching Netflix, playing a PS3 game that is quite dark, or indulging in a midnight release of a DVD that I will leave unnamed.  The time I have to myself is pretty small but writing should fit into that time, even if it means sitting in front of the computer.  I am chained to my desk most days of the week so it is sometimes hard to voluntarily put myself in front of it again.  I am quite most days with my headphones in my ears.  I don't get out of the house much, but I manage to stay sane.  I promise I will be back soon, hopefully with something insightful to say, but for today just know...I'm still here.  I'm sure you really needed to know that.